Local Newspaper Archive
Copyright Notice
The materials available in the local newspaper archive may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law and are provided for educational, research, and informational purposes only. All newspaper articles, images, and other content are the property of their respective publishers and may be protected by copyright law.
Users are responsible for ensuring their use of these materials complies with applicable copyright laws, including fair use provisions. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or commercial use of any content without permission from the copyright holder is strictly prohibited.
The Somerset County Library does not require that researchers request permission to quote from or publish materials in this database. We do ask that researchers identify and cite specific item information when publishing images or quoting from materials held by the Library. Higher quality archival scans may be available by contacting the Library at [Email Protected].
If you believe any material in this database infringes upon your copyright, please contact [Email Protected] to request its removal or to discuss appropriate usage rights.
Errors and Omissions
The content of this database was digitized in 2012 from microfilm that was created in the 1970s. Missing issues are the result of issues that were unavailable at the time the microfilm was created.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the database content accurately matches the newspapers contained in each file. If you spot an error (mislabeled months, years, or titles), please contact the Library at [Email Protected]. The full-text searching of the database is based on uncorrected OCR full-text. We have endeavored to correct certain significant errors in the original where it affects the organization of the database (the January 6, 1950 Crisfield Times and the January 7, 1955 Marylander and Herald both have the previous year in their masthead).
Icons Used
Icons used are courtesy of the Noun Project under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 3.0).
- Article by ALga_design
- Audio by Thea Graph
- Book by Lula Sugiantoro
- Brochure by Gabriela RodrÃguez
- Courthouse by Icogenix
- Genealogy by Adrien Coquet
- Magazine by Romansa Design Art
- Newspaper by Muhammad Basharat
- Paper by Guilherme Furtado
- Postcard by Jonas
- Question Mark by Rusma Ratri Handini
- Video by BEARicons
Firefox Recommended
To enable the highlighting of search terms within the PDF scans of the newspaper pages, Mozilla Firefox is recommended.